I.T Solution
SEMME is committed to provide quality services to its clients related to materials, technology and training, which are compliant to international quality standards.
Industrial Computing
- Embedded Computers
- Industrial Computers
- Storage Servers
- Panel PCS I HMI
- Compact PCI
- Industrial Monitors
- Rugged Keyboards
- Rackmount LCD Console
- KVM Switches and Extenders
- PCI and PCI Express Expansion
- Rackmount Cabinets
- Uninterruptible Power Supplies
Data Communication
- Industrial Ethernet
- Ethemet Extenders
- Serial to Ethemet
- RS232 – RS422 & RS485
- USB Extenders and Converters
- Industrial Wireless – Wifi
- Wired Modems & Routers
- Cellular – GSMIGPRS, 3G&4G
Measurement And Control
- Test and Measurement
- PC Based Data Acquisition
- Data Loggers
- Remote IIO
- Signal Conditioning
- HMI I Panel Instruments
- Software
Remaining Life Assessment (RLA)
If a component failed to perform the task at a given specified time, it is said to have failed. These failures may cause a huge production loss. Therefore, careful and unbiased opinions are required while performing an RLA. RLA is done based on factors that influence component life, including corrosion, creep, and microstructure degradation with time. We are following different approaches to assess the remaining life of the component. One of the best techniques that are following in SEMME is based on the fatigue cycle.
Reverse Engineering
Reverse Engineering (Back Engineering) is performed to extract design information of aircraft, machines, architectural components and other products by deconstructing them. Reverse engineering is done so that a component may redesign. Therefore, it is a challenge to disassemble a part piece-by-piece when you have limited knowledge about it. We will need a sample of a broken part, and then we will be able to produce its replacement that will perform the exact function of the original part.
NDTs cover various techniques that evaluate the properties of the material, welds, part, or a system that do not affect the integrity of a material. We are offering various NDTs based on standards and customer satisfaction. We can test metallic and composite materials such as plates, sheets, pipes, and vessels. We are following the major NDTs: DPT, MT UT, RT, TG, and Visual Inspection.
On-Site Inspection (Replica Metallography)
SEMME provides on-site inspection by replica metallography that will help you determine the quality, strength, and remaining life of a material, and it will eventually avoid disasters. It will ensure the safety of the product. Replica metallography is a non-destructive technique in which the sample’s topography is recorded on the replica and then examined on SEM. We are examining the metallographic components by light microscope and SEM.
Risk-Based Inspection (RBI)
Risk-based inspection is a decision-making technique for inspection planning in which the probability and the consequences of failure are under consideration. On this technique, the recommendations for monitoring and testing is given by the inspector. RBI gives the integrity of the component and its effectiveness on the production system. We mainly focus on the RBI of oil refineries, fertilizers industries and petrochemical industries, where inspection plans are required according to RBI. If a device is at a higher risk of failure, it will be called a safety-critical device, and high decision-making skills are required for its inspection plan.
Condition Monitoring (Vibration Analysis)
Vibration Analysis is a technique to identify and prevent the equipment from defects. Vibration analysis is done on the rotating parts, i.e., pumps and compressors. An effective vibration analysis involves the identification of bearing that can helps to identify the problem before the failure, and it can help increase productivity. We are giving routine condition monitoring to our customers so that they can save their expensive unscheduled inspections.
Corrosion Prevention
To meet the demanding expectations of today’s quality operations, our customers need a long life of the components, and that starts with preventing corrosion before it begins. We are using modern technique to provide solutions to the company to prevent from prevention.